WOD 171122
EMOTM 20 Odd – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups (10-15 Banded) Even – 3 PCL + 3 FSQ (185/135) Then, Tabata Hollow Holds “Do one thing every
EMOTM 20 Odd – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups (10-15 Banded) Even – 3 PCL + 3 FSQ (185/135) Then, Tabata Hollow Holds “Do one thing every
EMOTM 12 – 1 SN (increase by feel) Then, For time: Run 400m 3rds of – 5 HPSN (95/65) 10 OHSQ (same bar) 50 Double
Holiday Hours – Mon – Wed: Regular Schedule Thursday: Closed for Thanksgiving Friday: 8am RevFitness & 9am 6th Annual “Whitten” WOD Saturday: Regular Schedule
For time: 21, 15, 9 HSPU T2B Run 400m Then, 50 Rollouts 50 Hollow Rocks NFT “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it
AMRAP 10 7 Wall Ball (20/16) 8 Ring Rows 9 BSQs (155/105) 10 Calorie AB Then… “If you want to know what a man’s like,
PP – Find a heavy single Take 70% for 3xME PP sets – alternate with 12R/12L DB Rows Then, Team AMRAP 12 50ft Sled Push
Hoodies now available for pre-order! Click here to view colors, or when you come into the gym. Black, Heathered Blue, Heathered Aqua, Heathered Light Gray,
EMOTM 30 Min 1 – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups Min 2 – 12 Box Jumps (24/20) Min 3 – 15/10 Calorie Row “Flattery is nothing but
EMOTM 10 – 1 CL Pull + 1 CL (increase by feel working up to heavier single) Then, 4rds for time: 3 CL (@70% of
5rds – 4min ON/1min OFF 8/5 Calorie AB 4 Alternating DB SN (50/35 from ground) 5 Burpee BJO (24/20) *Pick up where you leave off.