WOD 180501
Alternate – 5×10 SA DB Press & SA DB Bent Row (weight moderate by feel) Then, EDT – 16rds of 15sec intervals Shuttle Run 5
Alternate – 5×10 SA DB Press & SA DB Bent Row (weight moderate by feel) Then, EDT – 16rds of 15sec intervals Shuttle Run 5
Come BOWLING with us THIS Friday, 7pm! Jupiter Lanes (now Bowlero Jupiter), off Maplewood Dr. Let’s get together and celebrate coach Jason heading to Pan
Every 90sec – 10rds 2 SJ (increase by feel – from rack) Then, EMOTM 14 Odd – 10 Pull-ups Even – 15 Push-ups “Laziness may
*Join us Saturday, 7pm-? at Square Grouper for coach Elmir’s birthday celebration! Everyone welcome! For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 40 Double Unders
OHSQ 10×2 (pause 8sec in bottom – light to moderate by feel) Then, For time: 50/40 Calorie AB 100 OH Walking Lunge Steps (45/25) Sprint
Who’s excited!? Join us for some of our upcoming GCF events and get-togethers!!! Coach Elmir’s birthday celebration – THIS Saturday, April 28th – Square Grouper
AMRAP 18 5, 10, 15 Box Jump (24/20) HPCL (135/95) T2B Then, 100 Rollouts NFT “The key is to keep company only with people who
Remember, sign up for the Live Like Jake 5k under the Gardens CrossFit team – it’s going to be our WOD for the day, we’ll
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 5 Muscle-ups (15 Ring Rows) 10 HSPU 100m Farmer Carry (53/35+ even) *Rest 4m 3rds – 1m
*Get signed up for the Live Like Jake 5k under the Gardens CrossFit Team! Discount code: crossfitgardens5off. We want the biggest group at the event!