WOD 160916
For time 30 DB Burpsters 300m Run 20 DB Burpsters 200m Run 10 DB Burpsters 100m Run Then, Bear Holds – 5rds 45sec ON/15sec OFF “A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.” -Robert Frost
For time 30 DB Burpsters 300m Run 20 DB Burpsters 200m Run 10 DB Burpsters 100m Run Then, Bear Holds – 5rds 45sec ON/15sec OFF “A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.” -Robert Frost
Have you met coach Tim?! Welcome our new CrossFit kids coach to GCF! We’re happy to have a hard-working, knowledgeable coach working with our younger athletes. He’s passionate about fitness and health, wanting to help kids find the fun in it all! Introduce yourself, or bring your kids to class – T/Th 3:45-4:30pm.