GCF Goes Bowling
Hey guys! We’re going bowling THIS Friday! Everyone is welcome, bring the whole family! Jupiter Lanes 7:30pm $14.95 for 3 games & shoes Come hang out and have fun, meet some new people!
Hey guys! We’re going bowling THIS Friday! Everyone is welcome, bring the whole family! Jupiter Lanes 7:30pm $14.95 for 3 games & shoes Come hang out and have fun, meet some new people!
*Hey GCF the CrossFit Open starts THIS Thursday! Sign up now at games.crossfit.com and join the GCF team! It’s 5 weeks, 1 WOD per week and a fun way to see your progress. Why not!? Let’s go, get signed up! AMRAP 5 7 Thrusters (95/65) 7 T2B Rest 90sec AMRAP 5 5 Wall Ball (20/16)