WOD 170109
*GCF Rowing Clinic – February 4th – see a coach for more details or visit HERE! 10m TGU – alternate sides Then, AMRAP 8 10
*GCF Rowing Clinic – February 4th – see a coach for more details or visit HERE! 10m TGU – alternate sides Then, AMRAP 8 10
FSQ 3×5 (by feel) Then, For time 21, 18, 15, 12 Wall Ball (20/16) 12, 15, 18, 21 T2B “The person interested in success has
PP 3×8 @75-80% of 3RM Then, For time 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, KB CL/J (53/35) 15 KB Sit-ups (same KB) 200m Run after each
HSN Technique Then, 5rds 1min Row for meters 1min AB for calories 1min HSN (by feel) 1min Rest “I have not failed. I’ve just found
Open WOD 14.3 AMRAP 8 DL 10, 15, 20, 25 … 15 Box Jump/Stepup (24/20) after each set *Men’s RX – 135, 185, 225, 275,
Happy New Year Gardens CrossFit! Thank you for an incredible 2016 full of goal-crushing! Cheers to an amazing and healthy 2017! *Reminder – 8am Rev
Every 2 Minutes for 6rds – 2 FSQ (by feel, increase as you go) Then, For time Sprint 500m Row 30 Alternating 1-Leg SQ Sprint
Find 3RM PP Then, 7rds for time 7 DB HPCL (per arm) 7 DB PP (per arm) 7 C2B “Anyone who has never made a
Team WOD! AMRAP 15 200ft Sled Push (5/4) 8 Goblet SQ (70/53) *Relay style – one person working at a time Then, Tabata Hollow Holds
*What a great Holiday weekend, thank you everyone! Regular hours all week, closed Sunday and only 8am Rev & 9am WOD on Monday, Jan 2nd.