WOD 171215
DL – 5×5 by feel Then, For time: 60 Sit-ups 20 Floor Press (95/65) 20 Thrusters (same bar) 50 Sit-ups 15 Floor Press 15 Thrusters
DL – 5×5 by feel Then, For time: 60 Sit-ups 20 Floor Press (95/65) 20 Thrusters (same bar) 50 Sit-ups 15 Floor Press 15 Thrusters
PP – 5×5 (mod/heavy by feel) *Alternate with 10 DB Bent Rows Then, AMRAP 10 200ft Sled Pull (2/1) 12 Wall Ball (20/16) “Great ideas
For total time: 3rds – 1m rest between 15 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 Pull-ups 15 RKB Swings (70/53) *Rest 4mins 3rds – 2m rest between
Every 90sec for 10rds – 1 HPSN + 1 HSN + 1 SN (increase by feel) Then, Tabata! (8rds – 20/10) AB Calories Ball Slams
Congrats to coach Jason on 2nd place (1st in Snatch) at the American Open this weekend in California! We’re so proud of all that you
It’s that time of year again! The holiday party season! Please join us in celebrating 2017 and our amazing community at GCF at our Holiday
Partner AMRAP 15 “Leap Frog Style” 10 Renegade Rows 15 Thrusters 20 Lunge Steps *Pick one DB weight and use for all movements. Then, 100
EMOTM 12 Odd – 15/10 Calorie Row Even – 12 Burpees *Rest 2mins EMOTM 12 Odd – 200ft Sled Pull (3/2) Even – 35 Double
7×3 PP (moderately heavy by feel) *Alternate with 5-10 Strict Pull-ups Then, AMRAP 8 3 High BJ (by feel – or sub weighted step ups)
EMOTM 12 – 1 PSN (by feel) *2sec liftoff/2sec pause in catch Then, For time 50/40 Calorie AB 3rds- 20 Wall Ball (20/16) 10 HPSN