WOD 170417
EMOTM 15 Min 1 – 15 DL (135/95) Min 2 – 12 PCL Min 3 – 9 PP Min 4 – 6 FSQ Min 5
EMOTM 15 Min 1 – 15 DL (135/95) Min 2 – 12 PCL Min 3 – 9 PP Min 4 – 6 FSQ Min 5
EMOTM 8 2 HPCL + 3 FSQ (moderate to heavy by feel, increase if you’re able) Then, Ladder 8 Deficit HSPU – 2, 4, 6,
OHSQ – 7×3 (By feel – 2sec lower/3sec pause) Then, 3rds for time 12 HPSN (95/65) 12 T2B “Make a pledge to yourself right now,
Partner WOD! For time Run 200m together 100 AB Calories Run 200m together 100 Rollouts Run 200m together 50 Muscle-ups (100 Ring Rows w/feet elevated)
DL – 4×7 (By feel, TnGo) Then, For time: 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 Wall Ball (20/16) Ring Push-up “The only true wisdom
AMRAP 3 Run 400m 20 Burpee Pull-ups 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 20 HCL (115/75) Rest 90sec Repeat for AMRAP 5 & AMRAP 7 “Pride falls
Strict Pull-ups: 3-5 Sets x 5-10 Reps Then, 4rds for time 10 BSQ (135/95) 10 Calorie Row 10 PSN (same bar) “Always be yourself, express
For time: 1 Mile Run 80 Sit-ups 60 Wall Ball (20/16) 40 BJO (24/20) 20 Calorie AB “Happiness is not something you postpone for the
OHSQ 6×4 (2sec lower/2sec pause – by feel) Then, “PCL Elizabeth” 21, 15, 9 PCL (135/95) Ring Dip “When it is obvious that the goals
2min Max Rope Climb Then, AMRAP 7 (Teams of 3-4ppl) 100ft Sled Push (4/3) *Rest 2mins AMRAP 7 (Teams of 2-3ppl) 5 Burpees 200ft Farmer