WOD 180111
EMOTM 18 Min 1 – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups (10-15 banded) Min 2 – 15 S2O (135/95) Min 3 – 45sec Plank Hold Then, Tabata Hollow
EMOTM 18 Min 1 – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups (10-15 banded) Min 2 – 15 S2O (135/95) Min 3 – 45sec Plank Hold Then, Tabata Hollow
5rds – 1:30sec ON/30sec OFF AB Calories Row Calories Sled Push (4/3) *Rotate through stations – score total calories. “A ruler should be slow to
4rds for time: 5 PCL (185/135) 50 Double Unders Then, 100 Rollouts NFT “No general can fight his battles alone. He must depend on his
BSQ 3×10@50-55% Then, AMRAP 15 15 T2B 20 Wall Ball (20/16) 25 Push-ups “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together
Back Rack Reverse Lunges (from rack) – 5x5R/5L (mod/heavy by feel) *Alternate with 15 Banded Good Mornings Then, 4rds for time: Run 300m 7 CL
4 sets: 12 DB PP (by feel, UB & no rebound) 12 Supine Pull-ups Then, Ladder 12 2, 4, 6, 8, 10… HSPU DB HPSN
For time: 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 Wall Ball (20/16) T2B Calorie Row Then, 5rds – 40ON/20OFF Weighted Planks (45/25+) “I have not
2017 is over! What did you accomplish? What are you looking forward to setting as a goal of 2018? Try writing down 2 very different
5 sets – 10 Strict Pull-ups (15 Banded) *Alternate with 8 Push Press (mod/heavy by feel) Then, 6rds for time: 3 HPCL (185/135) 5 FSQ