WOD 180309
The CrossFit Open 18.3 WOD – all classes on Friday & Sunday at 9am. If you cannot make these times, please see a coach. Also,
The CrossFit Open 18.3 WOD – all classes on Friday & Sunday at 9am. If you cannot make these times, please see a coach. Also,
AMRAP 17 10 Ball Slams 10 Hand-Release Push-ups 10 Calorie Row 10 Rollouts 1 Rope Climb Then, Mobility & Stretch! “There are two ways of
Every 90sec – 10rds 3 PSN (by feel) Then, 3rds for time: 100m Farmer Carry (53/35+ even) 200m Run 100m Sled Pull (3/2) 100ft Walking
FSQ 4×5 (3sec lower/5sec pause just out of bottom – by feel) Then, EMOTM 15 Min 1 – 10 BBJO (24/20) Min 2 – 15/10
Congrats to Kristen, Stephen and coach Jason who competed at the Arnold Classic this past weekend! Don’t forget to submit your 18.2 Open scores before
We will be holding the Open WOD for all Friday classes, running in 2 heats, possibly 3, on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis to
The CrossFit Open 18.2 WOD comes out tonight at 8pm! Watch the announcement live on games.crossfit.com. Our GCF update on days and times we’ll do
EMOTM 12 1 PSN (2sec AK & 2sec in catch – by feel) Then, AMRAP 8 40 Double Unders 10 OHSQ (95/65) 1 Rope Climb
FSQ 5×3 (10sec lower/2sec pause just out of bottom – by feel) Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 Wall Ball (+ your usual) C2B *Reverse
Don’t forget to submit your CF Open 18.1 scores before 8pm!!! 4rds for total time: 25 RKB Swings (53/35) 20 Burpees 15 BJ (24/20) 10