WOD 180418
OHSQ 4×5 (3sec lower/5sec pause in bottom – light by feel) Then, For time: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 CL (185/135) Run 200m after each
OHSQ 4×5 (3sec lower/5sec pause in bottom – light by feel) Then, For time: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 CL (185/135) Run 200m after each
For time: 40 Strict Pull-ups 80 Push-ups 40 DL (225/155) Then, 15rds – 10sec ON/10sec OFF – Hollow Holds “Enthusiasm moves the world.” – Arthur
*Sign up for the Live Like Jake 5k – Join team Gardens CrossFit with the discount code! See our previous post for details! For time:
Join us on Saturday, May 12th for the Live Like Jake 5k! A 5k race, walk and event for kids and families. Gardens CrossFit will
SJ – 4×3 (pause 2sec in catch – light to moderate by feel) Then, Team Sled AMRAP 13 “Opportunity is missed by most people because
For time: 12, 9, 6 DB Man Makers 24 Pull-ups after each set Then, 100 Hollow Rocks NFT “Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is
EMOTM 21 Min 1 – 10 PSN (95/65) or 5 PSN (135/95) Min 2 – Max Calorie Row in 45sec Min 3 – 15 Push-ups
Every 90sec – 5rds 2 FSQ @60-80% Into, Every 90sec – 5rds 1 FSQ @80-100%+ Then, Ladder 7 RKB Swings (70/53) – 5, 10, 15,
AMRAP 36 15 Wall Balls (20/16) 15 Step-ups 15 Ball Slams 20/15 AB Calories *Every 2m – 7 Burpees “Pride falls like a storm while
AMRAP 10 5 DL 5 HPCL 5 FSQ 5 PP 5 BSQ (75/55) Then, 10rds – 40ON/20OFF Alternate Weighted Planks (45/25) & Rollouts “Success is