WOD 180725
AMRAP 12 NFT – For Quality 8 Cuban Press 10 DB Fly 10 V-Up from Hollow 10R/10L Pallof Press to OH Raise Then, For time:
AMRAP 12 NFT – For Quality 8 Cuban Press 10 DB Fly 10 V-Up from Hollow 10R/10L Pallof Press to OH Raise Then, For time:
BSQ 4×6@80-85% of 3RM Then, For time: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 – Double Unders 1+2, 2+4, 3+6, 4+8, 5+10 – HPCL + FSQ (155/105)
*Join us Saturday, August 4th at 11am for a FREE clinic on “Bullet-proofing Your Shoulders” with Dr. Zabriskie of Elite Therapy & Wellness. Open to
EMOTM 10 1 CL + 2 FSQ (by feel) Then, Benchmark Friday! “Karen” “Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.”
Push Press (last week of cycle) – 6×1@85%+ Then, AMRAP 15 7, 5, 3 Bar Muscle-ups (14, 10, 6 C2B) 14, 10, 6 Push-ups 12/8
AMRAP 12 NFT – Quality 15 Weighted Hip Bridges 10 Kneeling Band Hip Thrusts 4R/4L 1-Leg Broad Jump 1 Core Complex (5 Hollow Pulses+5 Tuck
BSQ 5×4@75-80% of 3RM Then, Ladder 6 2, 4, 6, 8, 10… RKB Swings (53/35+) Goblet SQ (same KB) “The road to success is lined
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 8 SN (135/95 or 60-65% of max) 40 Double Unders *Rest 4m 3rds – 2m rest between
“Grace” For time: 30 CL/J (135/95) Then, 12rds – 30sec ON/15sec OFF – rotate through Weighted Plank (45/25) Hollow Rocks Rollouts “I don’t believe in
*Don’t forget! Free Yoga THIS Saturday after class, 11:30am with Natalie Addison. Bring a mat! Push Press 4×2@85-95% or heavier than last week if able