WOD 240212
2rds for total time: Run 200m 1m Rest Run 400m 1m Rest Run 800m 1m Rest Sprint 100m 1m Rest “Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
2rds for total time: Run 200m 1m Rest Run 400m 1m Rest Run 800m 1m Rest Sprint 100m 1m Rest “Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
For total time: 50 Burpee Pull-ups Rest 2m 4rds – 25 KB Swings (53/35) 100m SA KB Farmer Carry (same KB) Rest 2m 50 Calorie Bike “Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar.” – William Wordsworth
Every 90s – 6rds: 2 PCL + 2 PJ Find mod/heavy complex for the day Then, CrossFit Open 13.4 AMRAP 7 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18…. CL/J (135/95) T2B “You may delay, but time will not.” – Benjamin Franklin
BSQ – 8@65%, 6@75%, 4@85%, 4@90% FSQ – 10@70% Then, For time: 100 Wall Balls (20/16) Run 400m 200ft SA DB OH Walking Lunges (50/35) “Dreams are necessary to life.” – Anais Nin
5rds NFT 5 HSPU Negative 5R/5L Seated DB Press 30sec Max HSPU Then, 5rds for time with a partner: 50 Calorie Row 10 Wall Walks *Split cals/reps any way, one person working at a time. “What we really are matters more than what other people think of us.” – Jawaharlal Nehru
EMOTM 40 Min 1 – 10/8 Calorie Bike Min 2 – 3 DL (heavy by feel) Min 3 – 14/11 Calorie Row Min 4 – 30 Double Unders “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” – Dalai Lama
6m to find a mod/heavy HPSN for the day Then, For time: 5rds of Cindy 15 HPSN (95/65) 5rds of Cindy “Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.” – George Washington
Team AMRAP 21 Relay style 10/8 Calorie Bike 3 SB2S 1 Rope Climb “What do you hang on the walls of your mind?” – Eve Arnold
BSQ – 8@70%, 6@80%, 6@85% FSQ – 10@65% Then, 3rds – 2m ON/2m OFF: 12 Thrusters (115/75) Max BBJO (24/20) in remaining time. *Score is total BBJO “The happiest people seem to be those who have no particular cause for being happy except that they are so.” – William Inge
EMOTM 12 Min 1 – 4 Bar Muscle-ups Min 2 – Max Shuttle Runs *Score is total Shuttle Runs Then, Every 30sec – 9rds: T2B Pick a set, repeat for 3rds (2/4/6, 3/6/9, 4/8/12) “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – e. e. cummings