WOD 180425
OHSQ 10×2 (pause 8sec in bottom – light to moderate by feel) Then, For time: 50/40 Calorie AB 100 OH Walking Lunge Steps (45/25) Sprint 400m “As knowledge increases, wonder deepens.” – Charles Morgan
OHSQ 10×2 (pause 8sec in bottom – light to moderate by feel) Then, For time: 50/40 Calorie AB 100 OH Walking Lunge Steps (45/25) Sprint 400m “As knowledge increases, wonder deepens.” – Charles Morgan
Who’s excited!? Join us for some of our upcoming GCF events and get-togethers!!! Coach Elmir’s birthday celebration – THIS Saturday, April 28th – Square Grouper from 7pm until whenever! Friday, May 4th – come hang out at Jupiter Lanes! Why? Why not! ALSO, because we want to wish coach Jason good luck at the Pan