WOD 170630
4x10R/10L – Weighted Step-up (DB or KB – low hang, front rack or overhead depending on ability) Then, 5rds for time 7 DL (225/155) 40 Double Unders “Four things for success: work and pray, think and believe.” -Norman Vincent Peale
4x10R/10L – Weighted Step-up (DB or KB – low hang, front rack or overhead depending on ability) Then, 5rds for time 7 DL (225/155) 40 Double Unders “Four things for success: work and pray, think and believe.” -Norman Vincent Peale
Holiday Hours Friday, June 30th & Saturday, July 1st – Regular schedule Monday, July 3rd – All AM classes only (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10am & 12pm) Tuesday, July 4th – 8am Rev & 9:15am WOD only Have a happy and safe Independence Day!