WOD 240223
3rds for total time: 12R/12L DB PCL 9 T2B 6R/6L DB S2O 50ft SA DB Walking Lunges (50/35 – one DB for all) *Rest 1m
3rds for total time: 12R/12L DB PCL 9 T2B 6R/6L DB S2O 50ft SA DB Walking Lunges (50/35 – one DB for all) *Rest 1m
Team AMRAP 24 37 Rope Climbs 37 200ft Sled Pushes (2/1) Max HPSN (95/65) in the remaining time *Partition Rope Climbs & Sled Pushes any
BSQ – 5@70%, 5@80%, 2@85%, 3@90%, 1@+, 1@+, 1@+ Then, EMOTM 8 10 JSQ 100m Sprint “Too often we… enjoy the comfort of opinion without
4rds – 2m ON/2m OFF 6 BJ (30/24) 12 Push-ups Max Calories in remaining time (you pick, only one machine) Then, EMOTM 6 2-5 Muscle-ups
For total time: 5rds 50 Double Unders 10 Thrusters (135/95) *Rest 3m 50 Bar-facing Burpees “One word frees us of all the weight and pain
Every 30s for 6rds 5 UB CL/J (you pick the weight, build or stay) Then, For time: 75 C2B *Every time you drop – 1
You pick two machines! For time: 100 Calories 100 ASQs 100 Calories “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a
3rds – 15s ON/10s OFF – Shoulder Taps 3rds – 15s ON/10s OFF – Shoulder Taps on wall, HS or feet elevated 5-7m HS Hold/Walk
BSQ – 6@75%, 6@80%, 3@90%, 2@95% FSQ – 10@75% Then, 3rds – 2m ON/2m OFF: 12 BBJO (24/20) Max Thrusters in remaining time (115/75) *Score
2rds for total time: Run 200m 1m Rest Run 400m 1m Rest Run 800m 1m Rest Sprint 100m 1m Rest “Treasure your relationships, not your