WOD 150325
Rollerskating on Friday! 7:30-10pm at Skate Zone (click here for details on location/price) Everyone is welcome, bring the family! Push Press 6×2 *Alternate with 7-10
Rollerskating on Friday! 7:30-10pm at Skate Zone (click here for details on location/price) Everyone is welcome, bring the family! Push Press 6×2 *Alternate with 7-10
Open 15.4! AMRAP (Ladder) 8mins 3 handstand push-ups3 cleans (185/125)6 handstand push-ups3 cleans9 handstand push-ups3 cleans12 handstand push-ups6 cleans15 handstand push-ups6 cleans18 handstand push-ups6 cleans21 handstand push-ups9 cleansEtc., following same
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