WOD 180125
AMRAP 15 Run 200m 12 BBJO (24/20) 1 Rope Climb Then, Mobility! “Being angry and resentful of someone is like letting them live rent-free in
AMRAP 15 Run 200m 12 BBJO (24/20) 1 Rope Climb Then, Mobility! “Being angry and resentful of someone is like letting them live rent-free in
“Nasty Girls” 3rds for time 50 ASQ 7 Ring Muscle-ups 10 HPCL (135/95) Then, 6rds – 40ON/20OFF Hollow Rocks “Two things are infinite: the universe
Tabata! (8rds – 20/10 each station – score Row Calories) Row Calories Battle Ropes Rollouts HSPU Renegade Rows “If we did all the things we
BSQ 2×10@60-65% Then, For time: 50/40 AB Calories 400ft Sled Push (4/3) 400m Sprint “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you
DL 3×7@70-75% of 3RM (UB) Then, For time: Run 400m 75 Double Unders 100 RKB Swings (53/35+) 75 Double Unders Run 400m “Any intelligent fool
Every 2m – 6rds 10-15 Strict Pull-ups 7 Thrusters (135/95) Then, 6rds – 40sec ON/20sec OFF Weighted Planks (45/25+) “Anyone who stops learning is old,
Partner AMRAPs 12 10 AB Calories 5 Burpees *Rest 2m AMRAP 12 10 Row Calories 7 Ball Slams *Relay style with partner. “You only live
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 12 HPSN (115/85) Run 200m *Rest 5m 3rds – 2m rest between 21 Box Jumps (24/20) 7
Regular Hours Monday, January 15th BSQ 3×10@55-60% Then, CF Open 13.4 AMRAP 7 3, 6, 9, 12, … CL/J (135/95 any style) T2B “Remember that
DL – Find a 3RM (no mix grip, UB reps) Then, 3rds for time: 1 Barbell Complex (3 DL/5 HPCL/7 Thrusters – mod/heavy by feel)