WOD 180612
Find mod/heavy PP single Take 70% for 2×3 Then, For time: 18, 15, 12, 9 DB HPCL/J (mod/heavy) Ring Dip “There are no rules for
Find mod/heavy PP single Take 70% for 2×3 Then, For time: 18, 15, 12, 9 DB HPCL/J (mod/heavy) Ring Dip “There are no rules for
*Congrats to all of the teams who competed at WODamania this past Saturday! Everyone was amazing and we have such a fantastic & supportive community!
GOOD LUCK to our GCF athletes/coaches competing at WODamania Saturday! Come check them out, cheer them on and have some fun – CrossFit Wild, Riviera
Every 2m – 7rds 12 RKB Swings (70/53) 6 HSPU Sprint 100m Then, 10rds – 30on/15off Alternate between Rollouts & Hollow Rocks “The problem is
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 10 PSN (135/95) Run 300m *Rest 4m 3rds – 1m rest between 30 Double Unders 20 Wall
EMOTM 10 4 Strict Press (2sec pause OH/3sec lower – by feel) Then, For time: 20, 15, 10 AB Calories Box Jumps (24/20) T2B “We
4rds for time: 20 BSQ (135/95 – or Bodyweight if you’re up for the challenge) Run 400m Then, 100 V-Ups NFT “Don’t judge those who
DL 5×5 (by feel) Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 – FSQ (155/105) 50 Double Unders after each set “Our greatest glory consists not in
4rds – 10 SA KB Press R/L 12 Supine Pull-ups Then, 4rds for time: 200ft Sled Push (4/3) 2 Rope Climbs “The cave you fear
3rds for time: 21 Calorie Row 15 RKB Swings (70/53) 9 Burpees to reach 21 Calorie AB 15 Rollouts 9 Goblet SQ (same KB) “People