WOD 180808
AMRAP 12 NFT – Quality 8R/8L Kneeling KB Bottoms Up Press 10 Foam Roller/Mini Band Shoulder Activators 20 Banded Face Pulls Then, Partner AMRAP 15
AMRAP 12 NFT – Quality 8R/8L Kneeling KB Bottoms Up Press 10 Foam Roller/Mini Band Shoulder Activators 20 Banded Face Pulls Then, Partner AMRAP 15
BSQ 2×8 Heavy by feel (Next week 3RM retest) Then, For time: 30, 20, 10 Burpees 1, 2, 3, Rope Climbs “No one can make
BIG thank you to Dr. Zabriskie for his time on Saturday showing us new movements to keep our shoulders safe and strong! THANK YOU again
Saturday! Remember, Dr. Zabriskie will be here from Elite Therapy & Wellness to talk about shoulders and how to “bullet-proof” them. Open to all GCF
10m TGU – Alternate R/L Then, AMRAP 15 200ft Farmer Carry (53/35+) 10 H2H Swings (same KB) 1 Rope Climb 100m FC 20 H2H Swings
AMRAP 10 NFT – Quality SA OH Walk (Right arm down/Left arm back – DB/KB) 7R/7L SLDL (DB/KB) 10R/10L Plank Side Leg Raises Then, 4rds
BSQ 3×5@85%+ of 3RM Then, For time: 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 – Wall Ball (20/16) 7 BJO (24/20) “Courage is being scared
*Don’t forget! THIS Saturday after class, 11am, Dr. Zabriskie will be at GCF giving a short clinic on “bullet-proofing” your shoulders! All GCF and RevFitness
Benchmark Friday! “Cindy” AMRAP 20 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 ASQ OR “Mary” AMRAP 20 5 HSPU 10 1-Leg SQ (alt) 15 Pull-ups *Pick one
Team AMRAP 30 75 Calorie AB 50 DL (185/135) Run 400m Together *Break up reps on AB/DL any way, one person working at a time.