WOD 240805
AMRAP 21 9 PSN 15 B.O.B. 21 Box Jumps
Saturday Beach WOD! 6:30am & 7:30am – 2 options or stay for both! Everyone invited! Maybe Pancakes or Deadpool 3 after??? Wednesday Run Clubs- 5:30am at Jupiter High School 6pm downtown WPB, Celis Dixie location WODs will be posted again! And while we know that some of you don’t have access or are participating in
Fight Gone Bad! 3rds for total reps: 1m Max Wall Ball (20/14) 1m Max SDLHP (75/55) 1m Max BJ (20) 1m Max PP (75/55) 1m Max Calorie Row 1m Rest “There is nothing permanent except change.” – Heraclitus
Teams – 400 Calorie Bike for time! *Every time you switch, each person must perform a 100ft Sled Push (3/2) – one person at a time, before you can bike again. *No more than 15/10 Calories at a time (less is ok). “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot
For time: 21, 15, 9, 15, 21 Pull-up Push-up Thruster (95/65) Then, 50-100 Rollouts NFT “The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.” – Jean Paul
EMOTM 8 1 PCL Build by feel Then, Every 90s – 8rds: 10/7 Calories (you pick the machine) 2 Heavy PCLs (you pick the weight) “Less is only more where more is no good.” – Frank Lloyd Wright
Hey GCF Family! Is your email updated in ZenPlanner? Please double check. If you purchase drinks regularly, or sign in for classes…then you’re good! If not, then you should see if it is current. We will be sending email announcements on our last day, our future location, and all other details through email. Plus, you
***Hip Hop Night Tonight 6-8pm*** BSQ 5×5 Mod/heavy by feel Then, 3rds for time: 15 Strict Press (95/65) 20 Front Rack Alt Lunges (same bar) “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
Friday, July 19th – 6-8pm – TOMORROW! We’re hosting a Hip Hop class from our very own Greg! He’s an amazing dancer and teacher, and will put together some fun beginner steps for anyone who wants to join in. 6-7pm Hanging out with friends – call it happy hour if you will (snacks & social