WOD 241106
Mark Your Calendars! Saturday, Nov. 16th – Renewed Performance Physical Therapy 7:30am-10:30am Complimentary Body Work Sessions *Get personalized treatments and expert tips to move better
Mark Your Calendars! Saturday, Nov. 16th – Renewed Performance Physical Therapy 7:30am-10:30am Complimentary Body Work Sessions *Get personalized treatments and expert tips to move better
E2M – 6rds: 3 SQCL + 1 J Build by feel Then, Partner AMRAP 15 Max Calories Pick one machine – switch any time *Every
Mark Your Calendars! Saturday, Nov. 16th – Renewed Performance 7:30am-10:30am Free Body Work Sessions *Get personalized treatments and expert tips to move better and stay
FSQ Friday! 5×3 – 1 1/4 SQs Then, Partners For Time: 100 Wall Ball (20/16) 100 Burpees 100 Wall Ball *Split reps any way, one
Happy Halloween! AMRAP 25 6 HPSN (95/65) 12 Push-ups 36 Double Unders Sled Push “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Phyllis
EMOTM 6 Min 1 – 1-4 Bar Muscle-ups (or drills/strict Pull-ups) Min 2 – 45s Plank Hold Then, EMOTM 16 Min 1 – Run 200m
10rds for time: 3 Wall Walks 10 Double DB Step-ups (24/20) 12/8 Calorie Ski or Row *Mod-heavy DBs “Wilderness is not a luxury but a
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between each round 7 PCL (155/105) 14 B.O.B. *Rest 4m 3rds – 1m rest between each round 10
BSQ 5×3 Then, E3M – 4rds: 12 BJO (24/20) 12 FSQ (135/95) Max Calories in remaining time (pick one machine) – score total calories “All
4rds for time: Run 400m 15 HPCL (95/65) 30 Lunge Steps 2 Rope Climbs “Quality is everyone’s responsibility.” – W. Edwards Deming