WOD 250214
Happy Valentine’s Day! Partners for total time: 3rds – 1m rest between 30 PSN (95/65 – partners must alternate every 5 reps) 15 Synchro Burpees
Happy Valentine’s Day! Partners for total time: 3rds – 1m rest between 30 PSN (95/65 – partners must alternate every 5 reps) 15 Synchro Burpees
SWTHZ will be back THIS Friday! 5am -10am for FREE COLD PLUNGE! Get in with your Valentine, or hang out after class, open to all
Bring A Friend Week is coming! Monday, February 17th through Saturday, February 22nd. Do you know someone interested in trying classes? Bring them in! The
SWTHZ will be back THIS Friday! 5am -10am for FREE COLD PLUNGE! Get in with your Valentine, or hang out after class, open to all
Bring A Friend Week is coming! Monday, February 17th through Saturday, February 22nd. Do you know someone interested in trying classes? Bring them in! The
Muscle-Up Practice Then, AMRAP 22 Run 1 Mile In the remaining time: 3 Muscle-Ups 6 T2B 9 Alt DB SN (50/35) 12 SA DB S2O
EMOTM 10 1 PCL Build by feel Then, 3rds for time: 600m/500m Row or Ski 15 B.O.B. 20 HPCL (95/65) 25 Push-ups “You may delay,
BSQ – 8@70%, 6@80%, 6@85% FSQ – 10@65% (of FSQ) Then, For time: OHSQ (115/80) – 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 50 Double Unders after
EMOTM 8 3-6 Strict Pull-ups Standard, Weighted, or Banded Then, For time: Run 400m 15 BJO (24/20) 30 Pull-ups Run 800m 30 Pull-ups 15 BJO
AMRAP 15 12 SA OH Walking Lunges (50/35) 10 RKB Swings (heavier than your usual) 8/6 Calorie Bike Then, Every 30s for 10rds: 5 Thrusters