WOD 250314
Saturday – The CrossFit Open 25.3 – 8am-10am Heats – Everyone welcome! This week we will host The Open 25.3 on Saturday. We will run
Saturday – The CrossFit Open 25.3 – 8am-10am Heats – Everyone welcome! This week we will host The Open 25.3 on Saturday. We will run
*Saturday – The CrossFit Open 25.3 – 8am-10am Heats – Everyone welcome! AMRAP 24 5, 10, 15, 20… Burpee ASQ Renegade Row Floor Press *Sled
4rds for total time: 14 HPSN (95/65) 21 BJ (24/20) 14 T2B 7 HSPU Rest 1m “Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are
Every 90sec – 8rds 2 HCL + 1 FSQ Build by feel Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 FSQ (155/105) *400m Run after each set
This is our LAST WEEK of The CrossFit Open! Don’t forget to submit your scores from 25.2 before 8pm on Monday! This week we will
It’s WOD #2 for The CrossFit Open – 25.2 This is a repeat of 22.3 – and if you have not done this one before,
Partners AMRAP 25 60 BJO (24/20) 120 RKB Swings (53/35) 400m Farmer Carry (53/35KB, 50/35DB) 600m Run *Split reps any way, one person working at
For total time: 3rds – 1m rest between 12 T2B 6 HPCL (155/105) 12 T2B *Rest 4m 3rds – 1m rest between 12 HPSN (95/65)
FSQ 3×5@80% Then, AMRAP 10 Wall Ball (20/16) – 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18… *20 Double Unders after each set “Perfection is attained by
Congrats to everyone who completed The CrossFit Open 25.1 WOD! Our extra burpees this month paid off for some of you as well! For those