WOD 240614
4rds NFT 12 Archer Ring Rows (alt) 12 Bench or Floor DB Flys Max effort set of Chaos Push-ups Then, Benchmark Friday! “Elizabeth” For time:
4rds NFT 12 Archer Ring Rows (alt) 12 Bench or Floor DB Flys Max effort set of Chaos Push-ups Then, Benchmark Friday! “Elizabeth” For time:
Team AMRAP 27 Relay Style 200m Run 200ft Sled Push (3/2) 200ft Bear Hug Carry (Sandbag, Slamball, Stone or Keg) or Double KB FR Carry
EMOTM 24 Min 1 – 17/12 Calorie Bike Min 2 – 14 T2B Min 3 – 10 DB SN (heavier than your usual) Min 4
BSQ 7×1 Build mod/heavy by feel Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 FSQ (135/95) Calorie Ski or Row “Never deprive someone of hope; it might
PJ – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Build by feel Then, EMOTM 10 6 BBJO (24/20) 30 Double Unders “Hope is like the sun, which,
With 7m – work up to a mod/heavy complex: 1 DL + 1 PCL + 1 S2O Then Benchmark Friday! “DT” 5rds for time: 12
You pick a machine! Max Meters or Calories: 4m ON/4m OFF 3m ON/3m OFF 2m ON/2m OFF 1m ALL OUT “Principles have no real force
Every 3m – 4rds: 40 Double Unders 10 Burpees 20 Wall Balls (20/16) *Rest 1m Every 3m – 4rds: 10 HSPU 50 Double Unders 10
Every 90s – 8rds 1 SN + 1 HPSN + 1 OHSQ Build by feel Then, For time: 30 Pull-ups 30 HPSN (95/65) 30 T2B
BSQ 3×5 Heavy by feel Then, 3rds for time: 30 FR Lunge Steps (75/55) Run 400m “If you want a thing done well, do it