WOD 170707
*Next week is The 2nd Annual GCF Mini Golf Tournament! 7pm Food, 8pm Golf – Please RSVP! See you there! 10m technique & working up
*Next week is The 2nd Annual GCF Mini Golf Tournament! 7pm Food, 8pm Golf – Please RSVP! See you there! 10m technique & working up
BSQ – 10@60%, 10@65%, 10@70% Then, Tabata (8rds – 20/10) DB HCL DB FR Lunges DB Renegade Rows *DBs by feel “You are always free
We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend, and thank you to all who came out for the 4th of July WOD! What an awesome
Don’t forget! Short hours today – 5am & 8am Rev, 6, 7, 9, 10am & 12pm WOD Partner WOD AMRAP 10 10 Calorie AB 10
4x10R/10L – Weighted Step-up (DB or KB – low hang, front rack or overhead depending on ability) Then, 5rds for time 7 DL (225/155) 40
Holiday Hours Friday, June 30th & Saturday, July 1st – Regular schedule Monday, July 3rd – All AM classes only (5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Team AMRAP 25 30 FSQ (115/75) 40 Alternating DB SN (by feel) 50 Calorie Row *1 Person working at a time “Setting goals is the
EMOTM 6 Odd – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups Even – 45sec Plank Into EMOTM 6 Odd – 10-15 UB Kipping Pull-ups Even – 15 Push-ups Then,
BSQ – 10@55%, 10@60%, 10@65% Then, 3rds for time 15 HPCL (155/105) 15 HSPU “It’s better to be a lion for a day than a
Congrats to all of the GCF athletes and coaches who competed at the Sprint Series Competition on Saturday! Way to go everyone, we’re very proud