WOD 180208
AMRAP 16 20, 15, 10, 5 T2B BJ (24/20) *1 Rope Climb after each round Then, MOBILITY! “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone
AMRAP 16 20, 15, 10, 5 T2B BJ (24/20) *1 Rope Climb after each round Then, MOBILITY! “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone
*We sent out an email this weekend. If you did not receive it, please see a coach to update your email when you’re at the
For total time: 3rds – 1m rest between 4 HPSN (115/75) 8 OHSQ (same bar) Run 300m *Rest 5m 3rds – 2m rest between 12
*Congrats to the GCF athletes that competed at The Palm Beach Open on Saturday! Everyone was amazing! We are so proud of all of you!
*Good luck to those competing at the Palm Beach Open Olympic Weightlifting meet Saturday! Judy, Christine, Kristen, Carmen, Niko (Gina & Victor’s son), Dylan (Jillian
EMOTM 15 Min 1 – 14 OHSQ (95/65) OR 7 OHSQ (135/95) Min 2 – 12 Box Jump (24/20) Min 3 – Run 200m Then,
10m TGU – Alternate R/L (by feel) Then, 3rds for time: 200ft Sled Push (5/4) 200m Farmer Carry (53/35 even) 20 Calorie Row “Nothing can
CrossFit Open 15.3 AMRAP 14 7 Ring Muscle-ups 50 Wall Ball (20/14) 100 Double Unders Then, 12rds – 20ON/10OFF – Alternate Rollouts & Hollow Holds
BSQ 2×10@65-70% Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 AB Calories HPCL (135/95) B.O.B. “To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.”
DL 4×6@75-80% of 3RM (UB sets) Then, For time: 150 Double Unders 20 HPSN (95/65) 30 T2B 75 Double Unders 10 HPSN 15 T2B “Everybody