- Wednesdays 5:30 – 6:30pm
- Saturdays 8:00 – 9:30am
Everyone should have some form of Olympic weightlifting in their exercise routine! Whether you benefit from more speed & power, an increase in bone density, or strength & coordination, it is great for everyone. It has been tested and studied as one of the safest forms of resistance training, and with proper coaching, less risk of injury compared to many sports. The amount of muscles that are used in the lifts, including the stabilizer muscles, will entail for a great workout. And because of the amount of muscles used, you learn to fire more muscle fibers, creating a very powerful athlete. It may even help in the prevention of osteoporosis, building bone density. For some, mastering a technical skill is a thrill in itself.
This class will focus on the Snatch, Clean and Jerk, as well as the accessory movements that facilitate and encourage good performance and technique. Work with experienced and certified coaches, train lifts under supervision and get personalized programming from some of the best in the area.
Not ready for classes? Looking for extra time on specific movements? Try personal training sessions with one of our educated coaches. We even offer kids one-on-one conditioning.
We also specialize in specific programming for CrossFit competition training, women’s only training, Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, gymnastic movements, endurance, and strength & conditioning.
See our schedule for class times.
Our group classes teach on all levels of fitness, from basic to advanced, using functional exercises, athletic conditioning, plyometrics, kettlebells, Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, medicine balls, dumbbells, gymnastic movements & rings, running, rowing, jump roping, tire flips, rope climbs, and sled pulls & pushes. Classes have all ages and abilities, and are universally scalable. We focus on your goals, helping you to achieve many things you did not know possible. Beginners work on perfecting technique first and foremost. Everybody has to start somewhere. After your first workout with us you will realize how encouraging the atmosphere is, and our camaraderie is second to none.
Drop-in Classes
- Drop in fee is $22 for your first class. Should you be attending more than one class, we drop that rate to $15 per class thereafter. We offer a pro-rated price if you are staying for two weeks or more.
- Send us an email at info@gardenscrossfit.com or call 561.630.3118 to let us know you’ll be dropping in. We appreciate at least 24 hours advanced notice. Refer to our schedule for class times. There is no on-line signing up used at our facility.
- Please come 10-15 minutes early. Stop by the front desk, say hello and sign our waiver. Please let us know if you have any injuries and/or limitations. We start ALL of our sessions with a group warm-up on time. If you are late, you will have to wait until the next class. No exceptions.
- Our drop-in policy applies to experienced CrossFitters only. For example, you know how to scale workouts and are familiar with the common movements CF employs. Please use common sense on this.
- If you do not have experience with CrossFit, please refer to our “Getting Started” section.
- Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Please read our house rules before you come in!
The Foundations Course is split up into four (4), 60-80 minute sessions headed by one of the Gardens CrossFit Coaches. All 4 sessions must be completed before you can attend the regularly scheduled CrossFit classes. Please call to reserve your spot as space is limited.
If you are new to CrossFit, the worst thing you can do is let a coach throw you into classes without knowing the basics elements of what we do. That’s how you get hurt. It is important that you learn the basics of each movement, think of it as laying the foundation of a building. It’s crucial to proceed in your CrossFit career, and practicing safe technique. Our staff also needs to see how your body moves and to make sure that any deficiencies and/or injuries are identified, not to worsen. The coaches need to set up a mutual understanding of expectations. What you need as an athlete and what we expect as coaches.
You will learn the nine basic CrossFit movements: Squat, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Medicine Ball Clean, as well as Kettlebell Swings & Cleans, Pull-ups, Box Jumps and more! At the conclusion of your technique session, you will get the opportunity to put those skills into action in a WOD (workout of the day).
This is prefect for anyone new to CrossFit and its methodology, or anyone looking to improve upon their current technique. Let’s face it, we could all use a refresher once in a while!
Upon completion of your Foundations Course you will enter our regular CrossFit class schedule. You are on your way to living your best!
Fitness is not just about finding a program and blindly following it while hoping for results. The key is to find the RIGHT program that caters to your individual needs as an athlete and a person. Maybe the weightlifting regimen you have been on for the last decade is getting a little monotonous. Maybe you don’t feel like you are quite ready to go all in on CrossFit just yet. Or maybe you’re just longing for the extra motivation provided by an expert trainer.
Whatever factor is hindering your fitness journey, the antidote has arrived.
RevFitness is a program designed by the expert trainers at Gardens CrossFit. The idea is to use stationary bikes and rowers to burn fat and keep your heart rate in the target zones, which are ideal for burning calories. When paired with the program’s light resistance training, the results will have you not only feeling lean and athletic but also confident and healthy.