WOD 210405

WOD 210405

Some of you have really put in work on those Push-ups already! Juan is already done with 1,000…some of you have already completed 200, 300+ ….Crazy!!!
For those of you picking the ascending reps, adding 5 each day – that starts MONDAY! It’ll start easy, but it’ll definitely get harder…this is a great way to work on handling volume with a movement, lots of reps at one time.
No matter what you pick – keep at it and get those reps in! MURPH is 8wks away!

5rds of 4m ON/1m OFF –
10 Wall Ball (20/16)
10 T2B
Sprint 100m
*Pick up where you leave off to score total rounds

“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” – Confucius




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