Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight

BIG shoutout to Katrin (pictured above) & Kirk (in the WOD post) for the tremendous improvements they have been making in and out of the gym – the biggest being they have changed their eating habits, and it shows! Most people assume many days in the gym, going hard every day and adding in extra work is the key to losing or gaining weight…but let’s be real, it’s food. Food is about 70% of your progress when it comes to losing weight or putting on muscle. We need to be healthy, we need strength training and cardiorespiratory conditioning, so we do need the gym. But how many of you look at what you’re fueling your gym workouts with? AKA – food. If you’re still unsure what to do…if you need someone to hold you accountable…if you need guidance…or if you just have a couple questions, contact us! And while you’re at it…read Katrin & Kirk’s story about how it’s changed their perspective. PS. Katrin PRd her Strict Press at 85lbs & Kirk with his Mile time from 9:47 to 7:38! 

“Katrin and I are in our fifth year of CrossFit and love the WODs and the progress we have made. At first we made great gains in fitness which was amazing, but for the past two or three years we have stayed almost at the same level even though we go to 3 to 4 WODs per week throughout the whole year. We had hoped to lose some of the excess fat on our 50+ year old bodies, but despite what we thought was a good diet, and a lot of great WODs we stayed the same. There are many diets out there recommended by different CrossFit people that we have tried such as Keto, paleo, zone, etc…. Some made us feel better for a short time and even lose a couple pounds, and some made us gain weight too. Nothing made a noticeable difference though in our body compositions. At the beginning of September this year we started working with coach Kate as our nutrition coach. We knew she was an amazing CrossFit coach, but really never knew what she did as a nutritionist. So we asked her for help and she explained how her program worked. It’s basically weighing our food and putting everything we eat in an app that calculates our macros, protein, fat and carbohydrates plus other factors like sugar, fiber etc. Then at the end of the day you can see how many of each you had as well as how many calories, and other items like sodium, sugar, and fiber. All done automatically when you enter the food. So after a few days we submitted the results to Kate and she then gave us some goals for how much protein, carbs, and fat to eat each day which we entered into the app. Weighing the food sounds a bit time consuming and yes, in the beginning it was unusual, but now after three months we are used to doing it and it’s not a big deal. A lot of times we eat the same for breakfast or lunch anyway and then it’s already in the app. We had expected that we would be eating less food, but instead it was more of some food and less of others. Actually we can eat anything we want as long as the macros add up at the end of the day. We are also much more aware of what we eat and how much, it is shocking how many unnecessary calories we put in our body before. Instead of gaining weight, and fat we have increased energy, our workouts are much better, strength is increasing, and we both have noticeably less body fat after only three months. I also lowered my mile PR time to 7:38 from 9:47 minutes a few months ago. We love Kate’s program. It is amazing what a difference eating the proper amounts of macros makes in our life. – Kirk & Katrin Junge”




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