WOD 201125

WOD 201125

Looking to support your community this Holiday season? Of course! Gardens CrossFit has so many small business owners, and many of our friends and family in the community are as well. Let’s show some support – let us know who we should mention and what they do…or YOU. Gift cards and items from these places can help them to continue to rebuild. And remember, Gardens CrossFit has gift cards too!

4x8R/8L SPSQ (weight by feel)

200ft Farmer Carry (DB/KB – same weights as other movement)
4 DB/KB Lunges OR Step-ups (pick one – same weight as Farmer Carry)
200ft Farmer Carry
4 Strict Pull-up OR Ring Row (pick one)
200ft Farmer Carry
4 Rollouts OR Sit-ups (pick one)
*Reps increase by 2 each round (4, 6, 8…)
*Pick one movement from each choice, stay with that movement for the 15mins

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charles Chaplin




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