WOD 201002

WOD 201002

Use your SugarWOD app to it’s full advantage!
Post your daily scores/times.
Upload your different lifts/max numbers so it’s easy to recall.
Put in your Benchmark scores to compare for next time.
Always make comments on how you felt, ate, slept or what your performance was like that could make a difference or give you some guidance into your workouts.
It’s not just for CrossFit either! Any member can log their workouts, even if it’s not the WOD…it could be Strongman, Rev or Oly.
This will help to keep you accountable and on track!

PJ – 6×1 (2sec pause in the catch of each rep) – work moderate weight for technique, NOT max.

Benchmark Friday!
5rds for time:
12 DL (155/105)
6 PJ
*Same bar throughout

“It’s never to late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot




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