WOD 200522

WOD 200522

We’ll announce the Memorial Day hours later today! Stay tuned and remember to sign up – we will have a shortened day.
We will be moving our big Murph WOD to 4th of July – so that everyone who did not have the chance to continue to train pull-ups for the last 8wks+ can participate. Please be aware that trying the Murph WOD without having pull-ups in your training these last 8wks is not safe. Be kind to your body. Train them and be ready for July! Anyone up for a June Pull-up Challenge!?
If you have been doing pull-ups regularly, let the coaches know if you’re interested in completing the Murph WOD.

Row 200m, 300m, 400m
20 Wall Ball (20/16)
10 Pull-ups
Rest 90sec
10 HPCL (95/65)
10 Barbell Wipers (same bar)
10 Calorie Bike
*Score total rounds & reps

“Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.” – Art Buchwald




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