WOD 151102

WOD 151102

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you GCF for making our community so amazing over these last 4yrs! We wouldn’t be here without all of you and appreciate all you do! We strive to create a place for everyone to come get away, get in shape, make friends and relationships, and learn. We want all of you to do your best, with everything you do. Join us on Saturday, November 14th from 2-5pm for our 4yr anniversay BBQ – celebrating all of YOU! Food, fun and activities provided, and everyone is welcome. Bring the whole family! Anchorage Park, North Palm Beach.

“Heavy Strict Fran”

15, 9, 6

Thruster (135/95)

Strict Pull-up


4x400m Sprints (1min rest between)

“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” -Saint Augustine 

Picture of PPLAdmin



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