WOD 151002

WOD 151002

Good luck tomorrow to Coach Nick & Anthony (and Ray from Miami) at the Crush Games in Miami! They are competing Friday and Sunday. And good luck to JBush & Angie (and Taylor from Orlando) who are competing on Saturday! The event has been around for a few years now, and is always a lot of fun, so if you’re available, swing by and cheer them on! A few of us will be going down on Sunday as well, to the Tropical Park Equestrian Center. 

SN technique – then 5-7 singles (by feel)


For time (12min cap)

21 PSN (95/65)

21 Burpees over the bar

21 Pull-ups

15 OHSQ (same bar)

15 Burpees over the bar

15 C2B

9 SN (same bar)

9 Burpees over the bar

9 Bar Muscle-ups (Sub 18 Ring Rows – feet elevated if able)

“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” -Winston Churchill


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