*Don’t forget about the events going on this weekend:
*Saturday, 10am WOD – Lift Up Autism WOD – open to everyone, donations welcome!
*Sunday, 10am Yoga – Supporting Spina Bifida – open to everyone, donations welcome!
*Saturday, all day – Palm Beach Partner Throwdown (at CrossFit Liger) – Good luck to Christine/Jane, Daniela/Katie & Marina/Ali!!! Come on out and cheer them on!
For total time & meters:
3rds – 1min rest betw
20 T2B
50 Double Unders
*Rest 4mins*
3rds – 2min rest betw
10 HPSN (95/65)
Run 200m
1min Max Meters on Rower
*Rest 4mins*
50 OHSQ (same bar)
“We’re all working together; that’s the secret.” -Sam Walton