*Come on out to the Clash of the Fittest competition this Saturday to support and cheer on the GCF athletes competing! There will be a bunch of us there, come by anytime after 8/9am.
Coaches Nick & Lee
Tori, J Bush, Stephen, Adam
Mary, Marina, Jason R.
Nicole, Angie, Anthony, Ian
Kourtney, John D, Titi, Maverick, Monica
BSQ 4×5 (3sec lower, 3sec pause in bottom, 5sec pause at top of each rep – weight by feel)
“Power Elizabeth”
For time:
21, 15, 9
PCL (135/95)
Ring Dip
Strength WOD:
2-3rds x 400m Bodyweight Sled March (no running) – rest 2-3mins between each
“All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter.” -Sai Baba