Tom Brown

Tom Brown

First off let me correct any misconception on what B.A.M.F. really means…

Below Average & Moderately Flatulent… to which I say, I’m honored.

So I joined CrossFit about halfway through January of this year. I have always loved intense exercise, as well as exercise that is practical to life. There is just something about ordinary weightlifting that seems counterintuitive. So, needless to say, climbing ropes, swinging from pull-up bars, and giving my best effort at muscle-ups gives me the same feeling that I think kids get when they see a new playground to scramble around on.

My wife and I serve God by caring for seven orphan boys at an organization called Place of Hope. Living life with these young men is always an adventure, but CrossFit helps me in two monumental ways: 1) It keeps me bigger, faster, and stronger than all of them combined. So winning wrestling matches on our living room floor is no problem. Boys always need to know that their dad is still a warrior at heart. & 2) Instead of stressing out at home, I get to let my stress out by pushing it hard on the WOD’s. If you are anything like me, doing an intense WOD seems to make me more peaceful in general. That could be because of endorphins, or it could be because after a good WOD I probably couldn’t take an old woman in a fight. The trainers at GCF know how to push you to the limit.

One thing that I want to make sure everyone knows is this: Gardens CrossFit is by far the best gym I have ever been a part of. The consistently good attitudes and sincere help from the Miki, Wayne, & Lee are a huge benefit. It is hard to find people who are as kind and committed at these. So, thank you guys. But I also have to say that somehow GCF has an awesome bunch of athletes. There is such a wide variety of people, some who are just plain absurd in strength and stamina, and others who are just breaking into the world of hard exercise. But no matter where the athletes at GCF fall on that spectrum, they have one thing in common: respect and kindness. I have yet to meet someone at GCF who was rude or disrespectful to me or others. Environment is key, and GCF has it.

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