Recipe of the Week

Recipe of the Week

Chicken, Pepper and Artichokes

Artichokes. Suffice to say a good majority of you reading this probably have not eaten artichokes in quite some time. In fact, can you even remember the last time you ate them? 
High in the B-complex vitamins including niacin, thiamine and folic acid along with vitamin C and vitamin K, artichokes are a rich source of fiber and antioxidants.
If you feel so inclined to make this more”Italian” and pair it with something, may we recommend serving over zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash.
What You Shall Need:
Fat of choice- butter, olive oil, coconut oil, bacon fat
2 lbs chicken, dices into bite sized pieces. Breasts of boneless chicken thighs work. Personally, I love the breasts!
1 or 2 bell peppers, cut into strips
8 artichoke hearts, rinsed and cut into quarters
2 lemons, juiced
Dried basil, or combination of herbs (thyme, parsley, etc.)
Salt and pepper, to taste
What You Shall Do:
1. Get a big skillet heating on medium heat with fat. Kinda go a bit overboard with the fat.
2. Dice up the chicken and add into into the skillet once the fat is heated. Top it with some salt and pepper, mix, and let it keep cooking.
3. While chicken is cooking prep peppers and artichokes.
4. When chicken is about 5 minutes or so from being done, add in the peppers, artichokes, lemon juice, herbs and s’more salt and pepper. Even add more fat here, if your heart desires. 
5. Mix it all up, and adjust seasoning if need be. 
6. Enjoy!


Picture of PPLAdmin



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