WOD 181113
FSQ 3×10 (mod/heavy by feel) Then 1×10 @50% of heaviest set (1sec pause just out of bottom on each rep) Then, Sled Push Shuttles 200ft,
FSQ 3×10 (mod/heavy by feel) Then 1×10 @50% of heaviest set (1sec pause just out of bottom on each rep) Then, Sled Push Shuttles 200ft,
THANK YOU to everyone who came out to the 7yr Anniversary BBQ! What a fantastic afternoon! We are so thankful for each and every one
The Anniversary BBQ is SUNDAY! 12-3pm at Anchorage Park in NPB, everyone welcome! Food, friends, fun and raffle prizes! DL 5×5 (TnGo, by feel) Then,
For time: 21, 15, 9 Thruster (95/65) 100, 50, 25 Double Unders Then, 4rds – 30sec ON/15sec OFF Weighted Planks Sit-ups Rollouts *Alternate movements “Success
Watch coach Jason compete live at 2am…yes, 2am! Set an alarm, tune in or check the results in the morning – follow USA Weightlifting on
EMOTM 14 Odd – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups/Ring Rows (2sec pause at top of each rep) Even – 10 BJO (24/20) Then, For time 2k Row
Don’t forget NEXT Sunday, Nov. 11th is our 7ry Anniversary BBQ! Everyone welcome for some food, friends and fun – Anchorage Park in NPB from
Sunday, Nov. 11th – GCF Anniversary BBQ! Bring the whole family! 12-3pm at Anchorage Park in NPB – Yummy food, friends and fun! Every 30sec
4rds for time: 200ft Sled Push (4/3) 20 Ball Slams 100m Farmer Carry (53/35) Then, Tabata Sit-ups! “The purpose of life is a life of
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! AMRAP 31 3 OHSQ (135/95) 6 Pull-ups 9 B.O.B. 12 AB Calories “When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be your