WOD 160204
Every 90sec – 10rds 1 CL Pull (3sec AK) + 2 PCL Then, For time 21, 15, 9 Wall Ball (20/16) RKB Swing (53/35+) HPCL (135/95) “A great artist can paint a great picture on a small canvas.” -Charles Dudley Warner
Every 90sec – 10rds 1 CL Pull (3sec AK) + 2 PCL Then, For time 21, 15, 9 Wall Ball (20/16) RKB Swing (53/35+) HPCL (135/95) “A great artist can paint a great picture on a small canvas.” -Charles Dudley Warner
Floor Press – 10, 7, 5, 3, 10 (By feel but increasing in weight) *5-10 Strict Weighted Pull-ups after each set Then, Every 20sec for 3rds – 4 Thrusters (95/65) Rest 1min Every 20sec for 3rds – 4 Thrusters (115/75) Rest 1min Every 20sec for 3rds – 4 Thrusters (125/85) Rest 1min Every 20sec for
BSQ – (4sec lower) 6@65%, 6@70%, 6@75%, 6@75% Then, 6rds – 30sec ON/10sec OFF AB Calories Row for Meters Double Unders Shuttle Run (inside gym down and back) *Rotate through stations “Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” -Thomas Merton
10 Mins – Handstand Hold & Walk Practice Then, Open 12.3 AMRAP 18 15 Box Jumps (24/20) 12 Push Press (115/75) 9 T2B “Nothing will work unless you do.” -Maya Angelou
4x5R/5L – Reverse Lunges (back rack – weight by feel) *Alternate with 15 Weighted Good Mornings Then, Partner WOD! AMRAP 15 “Leap Frog Style” Run 200m 21 RKB Swings (heavier than usual) 12 Ring Rows OR 4 Ring Muscle-ups (*Partner 1 does 200m, partner 2 does 21 Swings, partner 1 does 12 Ring Rows, etc…)
Ring Dip Holds (bottom) – Reverse Tabata Hollow Holds – Tabata Then, You Pick! For time 12, 9, 6 HSN (135/95+) OR 24, 18, 12 HSN (65/45) *50 Double Unders after each round “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” -Wayne Dyer
*Check out these crazies in our new shirts! For total time & meters 3rds – 2min rest between 5-Cone Suicide Run 5 FSQ (185/125) 10 C2B *5min Rest* 3rds – 2min rest between 5 DL (275/185) 15 Burpees Over the Bar 1 Min Max Meter Row “Beware, so long as you live, of judging men
EMOTM 10 3 Strict Press Then, KB Snatch Intervals : 10on/50off, 20on/40off, 30on/30off, 40on/20off, 50on/10off, and back up! “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” -Robin Williams
BSQ – Find 3RM Then, CrossFit Open 13.4 AMRAP 7 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 … CL/J (135/95 Power or Full) T2B “The past, the present and the future are really one: they are today.” -Harriet Beecher Stowe
For total time 3rds – 2min rest between 30 Wall Ball (20/16) 2 Rope Climbs *Rest 4mins* 3rds – 2min rest between Run 200m 15/10 Calorie AB 8 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) *Rest 3mins* 100 Sit-ups for time “Without a struggle, there can be no progress.” -Frederick Douglass