WOD 160323
For time & total calories: Run 800m 60 Hollow Rocks Row 500m 40 Rollouts 1min Max AB Calories 20 T2B Run 800m “Management is nothing more than motivating other people.” -Lee Iacocca
For time & total calories: Run 800m 60 Hollow Rocks Row 500m 40 Rollouts 1min Max AB Calories 20 T2B Run 800m “Management is nothing more than motivating other people.” -Lee Iacocca
BSQ – 2×3@65-70%, 2×3@70-75% (3sec pause on 3rd rep of each set) Then, AMRAP 10 100ft Pinch Carry (25/10) 1rd of: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 RKB Swings (53/35) 200ft Pinch Carry 2rds of above 300ft Pinch Carry 3rds of above “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks
*Congrats to everyone who completed 16.4! Big accomplishments and PRs everywhere! Every 90sec – 10rds 1 PCL + 2 PJ (by feel) Then, 3rds for time 10 Curtis Ps (95/65) 200m Run “A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.” -Joyce Meyer
*The CrossFit Open 16.4 WOD will be held Saturday @10am & Sunday @9am. Please try to make one of these times, thank you! Skill – 10mins Rope Climb Technique Advanced – L-Sit, Legless, or least amount of pulls up the rope possible. Then, 4rds – 3min ON/1min OFF (Pick up where you leave off) Shuttle
Partner WOD! AMRAP 21 Buy-in: 200 Double Unders (split up any way) Immediately after: Partner 1 Rows 250m Partner 2 is holding KB Rack (53/35) while other partner is rowing Alternate for rounds in remaining time. “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible.’” -Audrey Hepburn
We’ve been having a salad- frenzy at our home over the past few weeks. Not only am I not mad but I don’t even miss meat. Dare I say that?! ASIAN ALMOND CHICKEN SALAD For the actual salad part you can add or take away ingredients as desired. Essentially what this comes down to is
Recipe of the Week! Read More »
3-5 Sets of the following: 5-10 Strict Pull-ups 1-Arm Upside down KB Waiter Walk (Length of gym & back – R/L) 10-20 Perfect Push-ups (2sec pause at top of each rep) Then, AMRAPs 4min – Max OH Plate Sit-ups (45/25) 3min – Max OHSQ (95/65) 2min – Max Burpees 1min – Max Pull-ups “Hope is
BSQ – 5@55%, 5@60%, 5@65%, 5@70% *3sec pause on all 3rd & 5th reps of every set Then, For time Run 800m 15 Ring Dips 15 Thrusters (115/75) Run 400m 15 Thrusters 15 Ring Dips Run 800m “A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool.” -Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
*Congrats to Coach Nick on 1st place in his weight class at the USAW meet Saturday! EMOTM 8 1 CL DL + 2 HPCL (by feel) Then, For time 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 DL (225/155) T2B “The best way out is always through.” -Robert Frost
The CrossFit Open 16.3 AMRAP 7 10 SN (Power or full 75/55) 3 Bar Muscle-ups *Click HERE for the full WOD description and scaled/masters movements. **We will be holding the 16.3 Open WOD Friday all day & Sunday at 9am. Please try to get it in during one of those times. Thank you! “As you